Sample post divides into columns

Liquorice pastry gingerbread gingerbread tiramisu. Bear claw sesame snaps candy chocolate bar candy pudding carrot cake tootsie roll bear claw. Marshmallow chocolate cake ice cream donut muffin. Chupa chups danish lemon drops faworki biscuit wypas halvah. Faworki oat cake gingerbread pastry apple pie wafer caramels. Wypas sweet croissant lollipop. Cotton candy gummi bears powder brownie […] Read more…

Dissolve Negative Emotions in Less Than 10 Minutes: The Attention Solution

negative emotions attention solution

Do you wish that you knew a secret to getting rid of uncomfortable, painful or negative emotions? Click Here: Grab the Free Attention Solution Worksheet and Get Results Does any of this sound familiar to you?… “How can I make myself stop feeling this way?” “How can I make myself feel better?” “Sometimes I wish […] Read more…

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Keep Your Teen Motivated: Competence and Confidence

competence confidence teen motivated

One of the main factors that determines a teen’s mental health is a sense of competence. As a parent, you want your teen to make smart academic and personal decisions. You want your teen to feel capable, to stay motivated and to have a healthy level of confidence. Imagine feeling that your teen is doing […] Read more…

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How to Have a Happy Family (And Get Things Done)

happy family

If your family is like many families that I know, every day has a long list of things to do and places to be. Is it hard for your family get to everything – without added stress? Does it seem like you’re missing what some “happy” family seems to have? Do you wonder if it’s possible […] Read more…

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3 Questions to Stop Asking If You’re Anxious


It happened again. You’re distracted from the task at hand because your mind is busy with something completely different. Something is occupying your thoughts and taking you out of the moment. Does thinking something through over and over feel useful somehow? Somewhere along the way you became convinced that this type of thought process will […] Read more…

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How To Set Goals That Increase Productivity and Reduce Anxiety

set goals increase productivity

If you have tasks you want to accomplish and dreams you want to realize, you’ll need to set goals that increase your productivity. Setting these kinds of goals can be a great way to track your progress and keep your motivation high. Be aware, however, that some goals can actually increase stress and anxiety. Stress […] Read more…

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What Your Angry Teen Is Telling You (And What to Do About It)

angry teen

Does your teen easily become agitated or upset? Does he or she often have a negative outlook or use hurtful language? Perhaps your teen also seems to be pushing you away and rejecting your help. Bad behavior from an angry teen can be exhausting for you as a parent. You want your teen to let you […] Read more…

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Parent Guide to Sibling Rivalry: 10-Steps To Increase the Peace


You’re ready to explode if you hear one more “But that’s not fair!” or “I hate you!” or the ever-popular “Mom, he’s looking at me!” If your children struggle to get along, you’re not alone. Sibling rivalry can quickly become a destructive habit between children. It may also continue throughout the teenage years, or may even begin […] Read more…

How to Curb Anxiety Through Creativity

curb anxiety through creativity

Does stress take the joy out of life? When you plan to start a task at work or at home, do you find yourself dreading the process? Anxiety and negativity limit your experiences and thoughts, reducing your quality of life. Harnessing your creative mind may be the answer. Here are some of the core reasons why […] Read more…

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A Strong Start to 9th Grade

9th grade strong start

Announcing the debut of the Strong Start Workshop! The Strong Start Workshop is a one of a kind group experience designed for students entering 9th grader. Do you want your teen to simply survive high school… or to thrive? This 8-week workshop will help your teen excel during his or her high school experience. Get […] Read more…