How to Get Your Preteen to Listen

preteen listen, child, teen

Your child is entering the preteen years and will be exploring new thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Are you feeling frustrated with some of the changes you’re seeing in your child? Do you feel less control or influence over your child’s life? Does your preteen sometimes choose to just not listen? You’re in for a lot of surprises […] Read more…

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Why Your Child is Lying and How to Make It Stop

child is lying

Most children give lying a try at least once. It is natural for a child to test his or her limits. A parent becomes concerned when their child is lying consistently, or without guilt, or about things that are disrupting his or her life. If you want to break the lying habit, make use of these insights and tips. They […] Read more…

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You Can Communicate with Your Teenage Daughter: Four Tools for Parents

communicate with your teenage daughter

Your teen is facing many obstacles as she’s growing up, and you’re trying your best as a parent to keep her on the right path. Imagine how well you’d sleep at night if you could communicate with your teenage daughter in an open, respectful, and constructive way. Not to mention how much more effectively you could problem-solve […] Read more…

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Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone: 6 Steps to Stop Anxiety and Live a Full Life

comfort zone

Anxiety is an expert when it comes to limiting your experience of life. Do you often feel uneasy or have a tendency to worry? If so, you know that stress and anxiety can take away your sleep, stop you from enjoying the people around you, and prevent you from embracing new opportunities. Anxiety is built upon fear and it thrives […] Read more…

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Getting Respect From Children: Smart Family Solutions


Do you get enough respect as a parent? Do you ever feel embarrassed or angered by your child’s disrespectful behavior? Some of the most frustrated parents I’ve ever worked with are those who feel they aren’t getting the respect that they deserve. Being disrespected can make any parent feel completely out of control. You know that increasing […] Read more…

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Does My Teen Have an Eating Disorder? Top Tips and Myths

eating disorder

There are many physical and emotional changes that occur during adolescence, and there are many ways that teens try to cope with these changes. Some coping tools are functional and healthy, like journaling, crying it out, and talking to a trusted adult. Sometimes teens try to cope with feelings in ways that harm their bodies. Some […] Read more…

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Using Play to Build Empathy In Children

empathy in children

Imagine a healthy, happy child. In your mental picture, what is this child doing? Most likely, he or she is smiling, laughing, and enjoying the people and things in the surrounding environment. This is a child who likes to play! A child’s engagement in active play is a significant part of his or her mental health. It may seem […] Read more…

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Stress at Work: 4 Vital Tools for a Professional Stresser

work stress

Does your job cause you to wake up with a serious case of the Mondays? Workplace stress is one of the most common contributors to anxiety and depression. Your work stress may be impacting your health, your relationships, and your sense of self-worth. Maybe it’s time to make a few changes. Implementing these four tools will help you […] Read more…

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Family Stress Tips: 5 Tools for Handling Change

“The only thing that is constant is change.” As a family, staying “on the same page” is enough of a challenge, as you balance differing schedules and personalities. In addition, family stress level often increases during times of change – whether the change is minor or significant. Keep the family stress level low by staying on […] Read more…

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My Socially Awkward Child: Find The Right Resources


As a parent of a socially awkward child, you probably spend time carefully selecting what activities and resources are best suited for your child. Hopefully you’ve come to a place of accepting your child for who he or she is as a unique person. Being socially awkward in itself is not a problem to be […] Read more…

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